Friday, January 31, 2014

Preventing falls in Elderly.

9:17 AM

Everyone can be at risk of having a fall, but
older people are more vulnerable than others. This is mainly due to long term health conditions that can increase the chances of a fall. Most falls do not result in serious injury. However, older adults will require medical attention for a fall and will experience a serious injury, such as broken bones. Falls can also have an adverse impact on elderly people. For example, after having a fall a person can lose confidence, become withdrawn and may feel as if they have lost their independence.
What If you have a fall?
1.     Firstly, if you have a fall, it is important to keep calm.
2.     Do not get up quickly. Roll onto your hands and knees and look for a stable piece of furniture, such as a chair or bed.
3.     Crawl over to the piece of furniture and, if possible, put something soft under your knees.
4.     Hold on to the furniture with both hands to support yourself.
5.     Place one foot flat on the floor, with your knee bent in front of your body.
6.     When you feel ready, slowly get up.
7.     Sit down and rest for a while before carrying on with your daily activities.
8.     If you are hurt or unable to get up, follow the steps listed below.
9.     Try to get someone’s attention by calling out for help, banging on the wall or floor (if there is someone on the floor below you) or using your aid call button (if you have one). If possible, crawl to a telephone and dial 999 to request an ambulance.
10.  While you are waiting for help to arrive, try to get as comfortable and as warm as you can by moving to a carpeted area. Try to reach something warm to put over you (particularly your legs and feet), such as a blanket or a dressing gown.
11.  Try to move regularly to avoid getting pressure sores and to help you keep comfortable. Change your position regularly.
Major Causes
The natural ageing process often places older adults at an increased risk of having a fall. There are three main reasons why older people are more likely to have a fall. These are:
1.     Chronic health conditions, such as heart disease, dementia and low blood pressure (hypotension), which can cause dizziness and a brief loss of consciousness.                               
2.     Impairments, such as poor vision or muscle weakness.
3.     Disabilities that can affect balance, such as labyrinthitis (inflammation of the delicate structure deep inside the ear known as the labyrinth)
4.     wet or recently polished floors, such as in a bathroom
5.     dim light
6.     rugs or carpets that are not properly secured
7.     reaching for storage areas, such as cupboards
8.     stairs
9.     Another common cause of falls, particularly among older men, is falling from a ladder while carrying out home maintenance work.
10.  In older women, falls can be particularly troublesome because osteoporosis (thinning and weakening of the bones) is a widespread problem. Osteoporosis is caused by hormonal changes that occur during the menopause.
Chronic health conditions, such as those listed above, can sometimes cause a loss of balance, a brief loss of consciousness (known as a drop attack) or a sudden feeling of dizziness, all of which could all contribute to a fall. Visual impairment or muscle weakness may also make it more difficult for an older person to prevent a fall.
How to prevent a fall?
There are several measures that you can take to help prevent a fall. Simple, everyday measures around the home include:
1.     Using non-slip mats in the bathroom
1.     Mopping up spills to avoid wet floors
2.     Getting help lifting or moving items that are heavy or difficult to lift
3.     Removing clutter and ensuring that all areas of the home are properly lit can also be useful measures in helping to prevent falls. The charity Age UK also provides advice about how to make tasks easier around the home.
4.     You may want to have a medication review if medication that you are taking is causing side effects, such as dizziness, which is increasing your risk of having a fall.
5.     A sight test may also be beneficial if you are having problems with your vision.
6.      A home hazard assessment may also be available. It involves a healthcare professional visiting your home to identify potential hazards and to offer advice.
Advice for older people
Some older people may be reluctant to seek help and advice about fall prevention from their DOCTOR, because they believe that their concerns will not be taken seriously.
1.     Strength and balance training
Research has shown that older people who take part in regular strength and balance training are less likely to have a fall. Many community centres and local gyms offer specialist training programmes for older people. Exercise programmes that can be carried out at home are also available.
2.     Medication review
Your doctor will need to review your medicines every year, especially if you take four or more medicines a day, to make sure they are still right for you. If you have not had your medicines reviewed for more than one year, please go and see your doctor. If you are concerned that the side effects of medication that you or your relative is taking may increase the risk of having a fall, you can ask your doctor for a medication review.. In some cases, it may be possible for the medication to be stopped. Some types of medication that are used to treat sleep problems, anxiety or depression may also increase the chance of a falls.
3.     Sight tests
If you are concerned that poor vision is increasing your risk of falling, make an appointment to have a sight test. Find an optician near you. Not all causes of visual impairment can be treated, but some can. For example, cataracts (cloudy patches in the lens of the eye) can be surgically removed.
4.     Home hazard assessment
If you are concerned that you or a relative may be at risk of having a fall, or if you know someone who has recently had a fall, you can request a home hazard assessment. The assessment will involve a healthcare professional with experience in fall prevention visiting your home, or your relative’s, to identify potential hazards and to give advice about how to deal with them. For example, as the bathroom is a common place where falls occur, many older people can benefit from having bars fitted to the inside of their bath to make it easier for them to get in and out. The healthcare professional who carries out the assessment may also recommend getting a personal alarm system so that you or your relative can signal for help in the event of a fall.
5.     Vitamin D and calcium
Vitamin D is used to strengthen muscles and bones and has been shown to help to prevent falls in people who are 65 and over. Foods high in vitamin D include:
1.     liver
2.     oily fish
3.     wholegrain fortified breakfast
4.     cereals
5.     margarines and spreads
6.     well-cooked eggs
7.     evaporated milk
8.     Sunlight is also a natural source of vitamin D so spending half an hour each day outside between April and September can also help.
9.     There is some evidence to show that taking daily vitamin D and calcium supplements may help prevent falls in those who have a low level of vitamin D in their blood.
Drinking alcohol can increase the risk of a fall. Older people are more susceptible to the effects of alcohol. The effects of alcohol include:
1.     Loss of co-ordination and memory, which can lead to falls and general confusion
1.     Causing the effects of some drugs to be exaggerated, such as diazepam (Valium)
2.     Thinning of the bones, which can occur with heavy drinking

Dr. Imtiaz Syed, M.B, B.S, MBA, CRA, PCQI, CPC
Redditch, Gloucestershire. UK.


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